Program and Submitting Talks & Posters

Our 16th International Otter Congress (IOC) will be held from the 24th of February 2024 to the 28th of February 2024: four days to unpack what has been done since the 15th IOC in 2022 and to update all scientific data on the now 14 species of otter. We are in the process of choosing keynote speakers and accepting proposals for posters and talks. Once ready, we will publish the program here on our website.

Sessions will address the following topics: 

  • 1. Education, Communication and Networking
  • 2. Advance Techniques for Otter Monitoring
  • 3. Red and Green List Assessment
  • 4. Threats and Coexistence
  • 5. Conservation Planning
  • 6. Ex-Situ Strategies

Here you can find the final version of the 16th IOC Program

We are NOT accepting any more proposals for talks or posters. Deadline was the 1st of December 2024. 

All proposals will be considered by the Scientific Committee and you will be notified if your poster or talk has been accepted. Age will be held into special account, as the 16th IOC is going to be especially focussed on Youth. 

How to submit your proposal

STEP 1 – REGISTER for the Congress

STEP 2 – Send us an email – – specifying if you would rather submit a poster or a talk, in which of the topics it can be included (see the categories above), the title of your proposal and the abstract. Please follow these guidelines.

STEP 3 – We will answer confirming the receipt of your proposal and the next steps to take. If we do not answer, we have not received your proposal.