OSG Otter Youth Circle

The Otter Youth Circle





The Otter Youth Circle


The Otter Youth Circle (OYC) aims to represent members from 18 to 35 years of age within the IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group (OSG). New generations of otter specialists in all fields of interest are fundamental for the future of otters. It can be difficult for young researchers to understand the complex system of a specialist group and to find their place. 

Our mission is, therefore, to establish a link between the official OSG board, young OSG members and the world of otter conservation. We strive to give our young specialists a voice, listen to their views and needs and understand their plans and ideas for the future of otter conservation. 

The Otter Youth Circle consists of five young OSG members who represent the objectives and strategy of the group, together with the OSG Communication Coordinator. 

The Otter Youth Circle was created in 2023.

Please scroll down for updates and relevant documents. 



The Otter Youth Circle was established with the following objectives:

  • Enhance the representation of youth in the OSG 
  • Increase the presence of youth in otter research 
  • Connect aspiring youths to the appropriate resources 
  • Assist youth researchers with finding funding for otter-related research 
  • Increase the probability of youth researchers remaining in the otter conservation field 


The Otter Youth Circle adopts a two-pronged strategy to reach our objectives:

Connection: To inspire and link aspiring youths with the right resources and contacts using online platforms, social media and OSG’s wide network of established members. 

Communication: To enable an active voice of youth within the OSG via a youth representative, and to communicate these efforts on various platforms.

Action plan

The immediate actions of the Otter Youth Circle in the first half of 2023 will include:

  1. 1) Setting up an email for the Otter Youth Circle to create a safe and efficient communication channel 
  2. 2) Creating a sub-page within the OSG’s website dedicated to the Otter Youth Circle with contacts and resources that will be freely available to the general public 
  3. 3) Publicising Otter Youth Circle’s efforts through existing OSG social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, mailing list, newsletter) to encourage participation

In the summer of 2023, we sent out a survey to all young OSG members. Here are the results