


If you find a dead otter

If you find a dead otter in Italy please contact the nearest National Health Service (ASL). They should then contact the nearest Istituto Zooprofilattico

If this proves difficult, please phone the Centro Lontra di Caramanico, Pescara (+39 085 922084; +39 335 5947005) for information. 
The following page can also be helpful: “I found an otter!” 

Legislation and Action Plans 

Under current EU legislation, a licence is needed to possess or transport dead specimens of animal species, such as Lutra lutra, listed on Annex IV of the Habitats Directive

Otter Action Plan for Italy (in italian)
A summary of the Otter Action Plan for Italy (in English)


Lontra Italia
Recording dead or hurt otters in Italy
Map of otter road casualties in Italy