50 Year Anniversary Photo Contest





Contest Rules

· All photos must be original work, taken by the participant, and must not infringe on any trademark, copyright, moral right, intellectual right or privacy right of any entity or person.

· A maximum of three photos per participant can be submitted and, among these, a maximum of one photo per category.

· Participants that are 16 years of age or younger can only submit one photo to the “16 and Under” category. 

· The photos must be in their original state with a minimum of post-editing. Adding, removing or distorting subjects within the frame will render the photo inadmissible 

· Entries will be judged by the Contest Panel, described below. All decisions are final.

· By entering the contest, participants agree that photos submitted can be used non-exclusively by the IUCN SSC OSG on the website, social media platforms, documents and educational material, always crediting the original author.

· Submissions will not be accepted after the 15th of May deadline – CHANGED TO 20th!

· The winners will be contacted via the details provided during their submission. 

· No images created by or modified by any form of Artificial Intelligence will be accepted, in any category.

· No images depicting confirmed or suspected pet otters will be accepted, unless a clear and suitable explanation is provided.


· 16 and Underparticipants that are 16 and under can submit to this dedicated category

· Camera trapsphotos taken with automatically triggered cameras

· Coexistencephotos depicting otters living within human areas and environments

· Ex-situphotos of otters present in Zoos, Aquariums or similar facilities

· In the Wildfantastic photos of otters in the wild

· Kawaithe cutest photo of all times

· Interactionsmoments of interactions with other species

· Focus on the speciesa relevant photo of a particular species 

· Black and Whitea more artistic take on a moment in the life of an otter

· Crap Photography – this is where you can submit the photo of what could be an otter, but is either too far, too blurry or too crap to identify. Send us your worst!

All photos submitted must have the following details: location, short description of the situation, details of the camera used to take the photo (be it a mobile photo or professional camera), the otter species (if known). 

All participants must fill in the submission form (either online or via email), pay the 10€ fee and agree to the contest rules.

All categories will result in three winners, and there will be three overall winners. Winners will be announced on the 29th of March and all winners will receive a prize by post. 

How To Participate

Step 1: send an email to osg.socialmedia (at) gmail.com requesting the links to participate

Step 2: fill in the google form, pay the 10€ fee and send the info and your photo to the previous email

Step 3: watch this space and our social media platforms!

Contest Panel

Carol Bennetto – Contest President

Margherita Bandini – Contest Secretary

Richard Shucksmith – Contest Judge

Charlie Hamilton James – Contest Judge

Bernard Seah – Contest Judge

David Kabambo – Contest Judge

Zig Kogh – Contest Judge

Jouko – Contest Judge