

The International Otter Congress is held every four years for otter researchers and the members of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Commission (SSC) Otter Specialist Group (OSG). Participants discuss the conservation status of otters, latest research, future conservation strategies and threat mitigation for all 13 otter species. In 2019, the congress will be held in China for the first time to raise conservation awareness for otters in the world’s most populous country.

Three species of otters occur in China: the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra), the Asian small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinereus) and the smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata). All species were heavily hunted for fur and medicinal trade until recently, resulting in drastic declines of otter populations in most regions of the country. Currently, remnant otter populations remain in scattered pockets in China, amidst a vast expanse of empty habitats. Given proper conservation attention and protection, the three otter species still have a good chance of recovery. The IUCN SSC OSG has thus chosen “Ensuring the Future of Otters” as the theme of the 2019 Congress, calling for a concerted effort in bringing back the otters of China.

The Otter Specialist Group wishes to work actively with scientists, NGOs, protected area managers and government departments in China to share information, build capacity, survey for otter populations, and collaborate in their conservation. The upcoming five-day congress in Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve (TNNR) of Sichuan Province is example of such a collaboration, being co-hosted by Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG) of Hong Kong. 

We look forward to seeing you there!