16th IOC – Peru 2025

We are glad to announce the next IUCN SSC OSG 16th International Otter Congress “Transforming Research Into Policy – United at Crossroads” 

The Congress will be held in Lima, Peru, on 24-28 February 2025.  

The Congress will held in person. 

Peru, a megadiverse country, boasts the majestic Andes Mountains, the vast Amazon rainforest with its rivers and lakes, and a rich marine ecosystem. It is home to both the smallest and the largest otter species in the Americas, Pteronura brasiliensis and Lontra felina

The capital city, Lima, will host the 16th International Otter Congress at the Universidad Científica del Sur (UCSUR). The university provides rooms for meetings and auditorium access, creating an ideal setting for our conference. 

Organizing Committee

 Joanna Alfaro, Carlos Calvo Mac, Gonzalo Medina Vogel, Jeffrey Mangel, Caroline Leuchtenberger, Anna Loy, Nicole Duplaix, Margherita Bandini, Simon Rohner, Max Khoo de Yuan, Shawn Larson

Scientific Committee

 Anna Loy, Nicole Duplaix, Caroline Leuchtenberger, Arno Gutleb, Anna Roos, Karin Schwartz, Will Duckworth, Shawn Larson, Gonzalo Medina Vogel, Marcelo Lopes Rheingantz, Max Khoo de Yuan

Registration Fees

$ Early Bird (EB) - before 1st November 2024
Normal (N) - after 1st November 2024
  • OSG Members from US, Canada, Europe, Singapore and Japan - 300$(EB) // 400$(N)
  • OSG Members from any other country - 150$(EB) // 200$(N)
  • OSG Member students from any country - 100$(EB) // 140$ (N)
  • Students from Mexico, Central and South America - 50$(EB) // 75$(N)
  • Non members - 350$(EB) // 450$(N)

Students will be required to provide proof of their studentship. 

Those who require special financial consideration should contact us directly at 



The program and how to submit talk and poster proposals – DEADLINE 1st November 2024

Practical information on the location (flights, accommodation, food etc) (coming soon)

Social Events and Post Congress Tour (coming soon)

The Otter Youth Circle’s involvement and objectives (coming soon)

How to sponsor a student (coming soon)


People Registered!