The 15th IUCN/SSC OSG International Otter Congress: “Communities and Otters”!
Where: The Congress was held in Sospel, Alpes-Maritimes, France.
When: From the 19th to the 23rd of September 2022.
What: The Congress was hybrid, held both in person and online through the platform Whova : we are adapting to the 21st century to accommodate as many OSG members as possible! There were also several social events and a post congress tour – check them out here.
How: Registration is now closed
Poster Abstracts: click here to know how authors submitted theirs.
Who: The Organizing Committee was made up of Anna Loy, Nicole Duplaix, Margherita Bandini, Hannah Krupa, Myriam Aarras, Helene Jacques, Laura Martinelli, Valentina Ruco and Caterina Ferrari. The Scientific Committee was made up of Anna Loy, Nicole Duplaix, Arno Gutleb, Anna Roos, Karin Schwartz, Will Duckworth, Melissa Savage and Angela Yang.
Call for Abstracts
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